This is CNO email Notice #17. 07/27/00. Circulation: 51.


Topics: Newsletter Distribution Request TDHCA Housing Decision Tomorrow Neighborhood Historical Information


Newsletter Distribution Request

I have received this email from Bonnie Johnson, a Copperfield resident who has helped us a great deal. If you can help, please contact her quickly:

I am looking for one or two more volunteers to deliver newsletters. I got most of them delivered to the folks who distribute, but found out last night that a couple of my regulars are on vacation. (Jack being one of them who did 2 areas.) I asked a couple of my friends, but I still have 5 or 6 areas to do myself. (I work 2 jobs and go to school.)

One area takes approximately 25-35 minutes to do. You either just roll the newsletter up and put it between the door knob and door frame, or under the mat. They need to be delivered before the next meeting which is Aug. 3rd.

If you can help please contact: Bonnie Johnson Home: [phone # deleted]




TDHCA Housing Decision Tommorrow Tomorrow (Friday, July 28) the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs will make a decision regarding a low-income housing tax credit project near Samsung. Those who wish to address the board should attend the meeting at 10:10 a.m. at the following address: William B. Travis Building 1701 N Congress, Room 1-111 Austin, Texas Their entire schedule is online at


A Copperfield-area map showing points of interest from various time periods is online at [link updated on 10/9/00]


Richard Fry,

CNO Secretary


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