This is CNO email Notice #14. 05/15/00. Circulation: 43.
Traditional Neighborhood Development meeting tonight at VFW Hall, 7 p.m.
CNO Meeting Tuesday at 7:00
Study on Walnut Creek plant life
A very large tact of land on Dessau Road between Barker and Rundberg has been planned for what the city calls a Traditional Neighborhood Development. Called the Morse Community Plan, the city is negotiating with Milburn Homes on what is to be a multi-use community that includes single family homes, condominiums, apartments, office buildings, public spaces, a school and retail shops. The concerns of the surrounding neighborhoods include the very high density of housing, traffic on Dessau Rd., limited public amenities, attempts to keep the housing affordable, and the overall site plan. A meeting between north Austin neighborhood representatives and residents and representatives from the city, and the developer will be held at the VFW hall on the north service drive of IH-35, at 7:00 pm tonight (Monday night, 5/15). The more people that attend the more weight we carry. Attend this meeting if possible.
The next CNO meeting is tentatively planned for this Tuesday, May 16, 7:00 - 8:30 pm at Capital City Christian Church, 1006 Yager Lane. The entrance is directly behind the grocery/gas station in the long building that runs parallel to Yager. We have many issues about zoning and development to talk about.
Three area high schools students have created a web page publishing their study called "Study of Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park." The study includes the effects of urbanization on woody plants in Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park, a list of all trees and plants found ( ) an impressive pie chart of all plant life ( ) and mentions geological features of the park. The introduction to the website is at
Note: If you have children who have created a website of local interest, let us know.

Richard Fry,

CNO Secretary
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