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Early Owners of Copperfield Land
According to a 1936 property map the land on which the Copperfield neighborhood now sits was divided between two tracts of land: the north tract was under the name of Memucan Hunt and the south tract was under the name of Thomas H. Mays.
The land was later owned by two farming families, the Krugers and the Heymans. Herman Kruger owned most of the property south of Yager. Hugo Kruger owned land to the north of Herman's. Yager Lane passed through the part of Hugo Kruger's place. Hugo Kruger was both a farmer and, for a while, a mail carrier. His parents had a house close to where Samsung is today. It was on part of his property. There may be some Krugers still in the area.
There was another piece of property to the north of Yager which was the Heyman Place. I don't know where the line betwenn the Kruger and Heyman properties was.
The Krugers probably sold their land in the 50s or 60s.